Study in Australia

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Study in Australia and make your education count!

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Studying In Australia

Australia is a top destination for students, as the quality and diversity of the education system in this country equips students with long-term advantages. Degrees from Australian Universities are recognized across the globe, and an education from an Australian University is considered on par with the best in the world.

An Australian education comes with the best infrastructure and state-of-the-art facilities, and teaching that is second to none. Students can avail of an exceptional educational experience and lifestyle. The Australian Government encourages International students and has a deep commitment to providing superior quality education at all levels. Education in Australia is considered as one of the best platforms for students to succeed in their careers and gives them a heads up in facing future challenges in the workplace

Market surveys show that Australia is the third most popular destination for International students, and today there are students from over two hundred countries who have taken up higher education there.

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Work Rights During Studies

International students are permitted to work a maximum of 20 hours per week while they are undergoing a study program. During vacations, students can work full-time and earn more whereas student who pursues master by research or doctorial program may be able to work for more than 40 hours per fortnight.

Bringing your dependents

If the student’s course duration is 12 months or longer, then his or her spouse and children can accompany to Australia. They can apply for a dependent visa at the same time as the student applies for their visa. Alternatively, the spouse and children can join the student later after they have commenced their course.

Even if the family members do not plan to travel with the student, their names must be declared in his/her application. This is important in the sense, if he/she does not declare all family members in the application, they will not be eligible to apply for a dependent visa once the student has arrived in Australia.

Work rights for your spouse

Spouses accompanying undergraduate students to Australia on a dependent visa can work a maximum of 20 hours per week throughout the year, and full-time during vacations.

Spouses accompanying those studying at a Masters or Ph.D. level can work full-time once the student starts their main course.

Post-Study Work Rights / Stay Back Option

After graduation, students can stay back in Australia for between 18 months and four years, depending on the study program they have been enrolled in.

  • Graduates who have completed a Bachelor degree or Masters by coursework degree in Australia can apply for a two year post-study work visa.
  • Graduates who have completed a Masters by research degree or a Doctoral degree in Australia can apply for a post-study work visa for three or four years respectively.
  • Other students may be eligible to apply for the Temporary Skilled Graduate [subclass 485] visa. Note that the subclass 485 visa is only a temporary visa that allows an 18 months stay to work in Australia.

What if you Wish to Stay Longer?

The Australian government welcomes people who can contribute long-term to the economy and country, and is keen to offer permanent visas to skilled migrants. Such people wishing to work in Australia will be assessed on a points-based system with points awarded for age, work experience, qualifications and language proficiency.

The first step is to submit an Expression of Interest for a Skilled visa, via the SkillSelect process. If this is accepted, you can begin the application for a Permanent Resident (PR) Visa.

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